The liberalization of the ownership and management of education in Tanzania in 1995, Vide the 1995 education and training policy (ETP) transformed the nature and the roles of the voluntary agencies in education. Explain how to what extent.

The liberalization of the ownership and management of education in Tanzania in 1995, Vide the 1995 education and training policy (ETP) transformed the nature and the roles of the voluntary agencies in education. Explain how to what extent.
According to Kelly (1999) defined education is apolitical activity where by society prepares its young for adult life.
According to Sarungi.P.M also defined education as a process of initiating and preparing man through training in his environment, to play active roles in the society.
Generally education is a form of learning in which the knowledge skills and habits of a group of people are transferred from one generation through teaching, training or research.
Liberalization defined by Ngungat.E. As the relaxation of previous government restrictions usually in such areas of social and economic policy. Liberation is the act or process of making less strict in social, political and economic affairs.
Voluntary agencies are the people or organization who have chosen to work for the government often without being paid rather than receiving money from the government. Education policy are the principles and government policy making in education sphere as well as the collection of laws and rules that govern the operation of education systems.
Education and training policy of 1995 was an education policy formulated with aims of guiding direction and forms of education in the context of liberation policy according to a report of the united republic of Tanzania, ministry of education and signed by Philemon.M.Sarungi(1995)
Therefore education and training policy of 1995 under the policy of liberation provided education services with relaxation of previous government restrictions ( origin of voluntary agency from the commission) nature and role of voluntary agencies.
The voluntary agencies came into existence from the 1920 where by the British government spelt policy on education which gave full support to the phaps-stokes commission which was under dr. Thomas Jessy joints who was the chairman. The aims of the commission were to access the nature and the quality education to Africans. The Phelps-stokes commission had different recommendations which were education for Africans to be adapted to Africans environment cooperation between colonial administration and missionary in provision of education. It also emphasized on agricultural and vocational training and emphasizes education and religions to be given emphasis.
In 1925 Sir. Donald Cameroon called a conference in Dar Es Salaam which was attended by members of missionaries and government. The result was the formation of the partnership between government and the voluntary agencies. The government provided grants-in-aids to the voluntary agencies schools that met the conditions which were, the schools to be registered by the director of education, the school should follow the government syllabus, the school was to be certified, or licensed by the government. These partnerships between the voluntary agencies and the government were legalized by the educational ordinance of 1927.
Education and training policy of 1995 transformed the nature and roles of the voluntary agencies in education under liberalization policy in the following ways;
The introduction of teacher training colleges, by the voluntary agencies, after the 1995. Education and training policy the private agencies were allowed to introduce the teacher training colleges, where they are providing education. This was to be achieved through the deliberate efforts of encouraging private agencies to participate in the provision of education to establish and manage schools and other educational constitutions at all levels. Identification of crucial priority areas for the purpose of creating an enabling environment for private agencies to participate. The teachers colleges, bad been liberalized to meet the increasing demand for qualified teachers for pre-primary, primary secondary vocational and technical educations.
Land for educational purposes, the land were given to the private institutions for law prices and sometimes freely in charge, to establish educational institutions. Education and training institutions need adequate land, an atmosphere of peace and safe neighborhoods in order to ensure and enhance the provision of quality education.
Furthermore, they need adequate land for current needs and for future expansion and development. Individuals, public and private organization and the community in general have tended to advance more on land carmarted, allocated and provided for education and training institutions and purposes.
Payment of school fees freely arranged by the institution administrations with the reason in which the expensive of payments relates with services provided in schools. Before the 1995 education and training policy fees were arranged and assigned by the government, therefore this show how the role and nature of voluntary agencies in education has been transformed by the liberalization has ownership and management of education in Tanzania.
College infrastructure and facilities, all colleges which are under private sectors are to be inspected by the government to ensure all necessaries are available “although the government intends to liberalize the establishment, ownership, management and administration of teachers colleges. The monitoring of the adequate of standards in the design of buildings and other infrastructure requirements of these colleges will remain her prerogative owners and managers of teachers colleges shall ensure the availability and access instructional material and well trained tutors needed for optimum and effective pedagogical and professional development and improvement of teachers.
The medium of instruction for secondary education shall continue to be English except for the teaching of other approved, language and Kiswahili shall be a compulsory subject to ordinary level. Before English was the only a language for instruction but after ETP Kiswahili used as a subject and other approved languages. Medium of instruction for teacher or education and certificate level shall be Kiswahili and English shall be a compulsory subject while for diploma and degree level teacher education and training and English shall be used except for foreign language teaching which will be in the relevant language itself and Kiswahili shall be a compulsory subject.
Tutor qualifications, before there was no any special training to teach teachers colleges they used any teacher who has attended a professional of teaching. So this situation has to change in order to create a competent cadre of tutors to prepare teachers for primary schools, secondary schools and teachers colleges, therefore.

Minimum qualification for tutors at certificate and diploma level teachers, courses shall be the possession of a valid university degree with the necessary relevant professional qualification and special. “Tanzania Institute of education (TIE) shall establish facilities and programme for training and further professional development of tutors of teachers colleges.
Conclusively, the voluntary agencies has led to the accessibility to education have increased in primary schools secondary school, tertiary and university. Example up to 2008 there were 19 universities 8 public and 11 public with total enrolment of 75,000 students. Also the voluntary agencies have increased the student enrolment and has reduced the government burden to provide education. Although it has led to positive more in education the private institution which has been established are too expensive they are accessible to only few people from high income families. This has created inequalities in the access of education based on the levels according to gender, Class, ethnically, race and locations. Finally it has caused disparities in the quality of education provided in voluntary agencies and the public institutions. SOURCES:

Mushi,P.A.K.(2009). History and development of education in Tanzania (DUP). Dar es Salaam
University press.
U.R.T.(1999). National Higher Education policy. Dar es salaam. ministry of science,
Technology and Higher Education.
U.R.T.(1995). Education and Training policy. Dar es salaam. Ministry of education and
Sumra et al. (2001). Legal and Institutional Frame Work of the management of non-
Governmental Institutions in education Reforms. The Tanzania case study
Research Report Commissioned by IDRC, October 2001

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