According to a recent UNICEF publication more than 130 million girls and women have experienced FGM/cutting in 29 countries in Africa and the Middle East where the practice is most common. But without far more intensive and sustained action now from all parts of society, hundreds of millions more girls will suffer profound, permanent, and utterly unnecessary harm.
If rates of decline seen in the past three decades are sustained, the impact of population growth means that up to 63 million more girls could be cut by 2050.
ICN is unequivocal in its position of actively opposing FGM and any moves to ‘medicalise’ FGM - that is to perform the procedure in safe clinical conditions in order to reduce the health risks.
Competent, knowledgeable, and culturally sensitive nurses and other health care providers are essential to fight harmful cultural practices including FGM. They are also essential in the care and support of women and girls who suffer from the dire consequences of the procedure.